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Scammer - Percy Leon Rios Jorge

Đăng lúc 09:58:03 24/03/2018

Percy Leon Rios Jorge – a typical scammer  The Peruvian descent, living in Australia, having 4 children, fooling around,...

Scam warnings of plastic waste & tyre waste business from Australia supplier

During the last few years, some plastic waste importers met some fraud cases concerning the bad quality, missed weight and even mixed with other waste. The below case may supply some good experiences to anybody in this business.

In the middle of 2021, there’re some orders of up to 10 containers exported from Australia, the shipper name is Ozshred Australia Pty ltd from Australia, the representative is Percy Leon Rios Jorge as director. The quality is very poor, much different from the sample and picture shown before. And more, the containers are even loaded with more tyre waste to increase the weight. Especially the net weight in reality is just half of the number shown on the packing list. And so, the lost is up to 70-80% of contract value

When it happens, the Buyer deeply investigates the information of this scammer Pery Leon Rios Jorge.

Untransparent Information of companies:

Percy Leon Rios Jorge, his short name on card visit is Percy Leon, A Peruvian descent, he’s director of both companies “Ozshred Australia pty ltd”; address at Level 2, 530 Lt Collins st, Melbourne 3000 VIC; ABN 95 630 302 475; established from 11/2018; website: and Pit Stop Recycling pty ltd”; address at 3/33 Ballarat rd, Footscray VIC 3011; ABN 45 643 811 410 established from 8/2020; website

Above companies are established just for 1-3 years, but on both websites, it show the experiences for 15-20 years

When we come to the above address for checking, they are perfectly fake. The address where Ozshred Australia pty ltd registered is an office of another company. The receptionist of this building checked and informed us that it never had the name Ozshred rent or was the office there.

The same, at the address where Pit Stop Recycling pty ltd registered, that’s the private house, and the man who is living there told us that there’re not company registered there for few years from he moved in, but sometime he receive mail to Percy Leon in his house’ mailbox and some peoples like us come to look for Percy Leon with angry signals


Level 2, 530 Lt Collins st, Melbourne 3000 VIC – another company address

3/33 Ballarat rd, Footscray VIC 3011 – the private house

Percy Leon Rios Jorge – a typical scammer 

Percy Leon Rios Jorge

Searching his name on google, we can find the article of reporter James Oaten posted on ABCNEWS from 23/11/2019 as this link

Percy Leon used to rent the warehouse to store and process the plastic waste, but did not pay the rental fees and ran away, leaving the dump of waste and leaving the huge clean-up bill and rental fees of more than 100,000$ to the landlord. So, Percy Leon used to have the frauding history from so far  

We contacted with Mr Ange Marinakis – the landlord, the victim in above article, he told us about Percy: “He is a crook”; “He uses different aliases”; “He has a long history of ripping people off”

Mr Marinakis – the landlord & victim of Percy Leon

In fact, when we started to do business with Percy, he’s always alone. He always told us that there’re Ms Bibi, his staff and Mrs Andrea, office manager who use the same email and they will be in responsible for the payment, paperworks,…; Percy use his email and but we conclude that he always use all above emails and reply to client by different aliases. Because when we asked him the direct phone number of Bibi or Andrea to fix out the payment or documentary, he always evaded it. When we call the office number (+61)1300697473, it always diverts directly to his mobile (+61)401601819. Meaning, there’re not any staff as accountants, sales, receptionists…working in his companies except him.  

Ridiculously, when we investigate more deeply about him, we did know that Bibi is his daughter nickname and Andrea is his mother nickname

We also asked for his information from some people who have a plastic waste processing factory in Melbourne and used to meet Percy, most of them know clearly about him. They always asked us “How much did f***ing Percy stolen from you already”; “Did he always talk about his busy factory? he is exactly a scammer”

When we come back to the warehouse (belong to the Tasmanian Logistics located at Brooklyn, Melbourne) where Percy did take us to show the goods and to see he loaded the goods few weeks ago, the warehouse representative told us that he just removed all machine and goods away few days ago, and there are around 15 persons like us to come to search him in last few days


Percy Leon’s tricks

To summarize Percy Leon’s tricks, we collected the information from different victims, then divide and name as below steps:

1st step: Looking for clients / victims

At this step, Percy Leon always posts the advertisement on some online trading portal and pages as with some nice pictures of goods, competitive prices,…

After each fraud campaign, he always delete and remove all of these posts to avoid the report from client

Typical advertisement of Percy Leon, always attached with the newspaper…


…and all are removed away after his fraud campaign


2nd step: Preparing the scene

After having some clients who want to buy the goods, Percy Leon starts to rent the warehouse nearby the center to keep some goods, some small machines to show to clients.

He always remove all the machine away right after finishing his fraud campaign, or run away if his campaign is not very successful same as above case on ABCNews


3rd step: Prolonging the time

To fraud more victims in same time, he always prolong the time with some first clients to wait for some next potential clients by some below tricks

-       He always lies not to receive the deposit or payment from the client, even the payment transfer always takes 2-3 days and the sender's bank confirms that the transfer is already done and came to his bank.

-       Or he gives the client some reason as the high demand of logistics, some other reasons but never caused by him.

4th step: Loading the fake goods, low quality goods and less quantity 

After gathering enough victims, Percy Leon will start to load the goods in same time for every order  as below tricks:

-       Put the other waste as tyre waste, low quality goods at the end of container

-       Divide some small quantity of standard  goods for every container and put them at the rear and door to take the loading picture to trick the client. That’s why he never can send to the client enough loading pictures during the loading process as client requests.

-       He always evades to supply the objective evidence about the weight of goods that is weighted by a third party as the port, but he alway just gives the fake packing list that is issued by himself. That’s why, the real net weight when clients receive is always much less than the net weight informed by him.


Fraud loading picture supplied by Percy Leon..

….and the reality with a little plastic waste at the door, and the rest is tyre waste



5th step: Smuggling and violating Australian laws

If a client buys the goods as FOB terms, the export declaration is Percy Leon responsibility, meaning his company is the exporter. In this case, Percy Leon smuggle and violate seriously the Australian Laws

-       From 1/7/2021, all plastic waste exporters must have a legal export licence certified by Australia Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (AWE). But when we check the list of export licence holders on AWE website, there’re not both his companies' names in this list. So, to export the plastic waste, surely Percy Leon and his companies did smuggle or fraudulent declaration.

-       Even that Percy Leon and his companies has got export licence for plastic waste, they also violent the existence law when he mix the different type of waste within 01 container that he declare plastic waste

6th step: Running away 

After finishing his fraud campaign, Percy Leon immediately removed all machines from his rental warehouse. That’s why he don’t have the long term warehouse or fixed factory

In same time, he also delete all the post and advertisements during last campaign to prepare the next fraud campaign

On May 2022, he continue to fraud another client by loading the wrong goods even client did pay the full value. When this client want to check the goods before exporting, Percy Leon was afraid of this, he stole the containers and hid them. The client tracked the containers and found them, then call to officer of Department of climate change, Energy, the Environment and Water (AWE) coming to check. 

When they opened the container, the goods are totally wrong and different with the one in contract

The AWE officer called to Percy Leon, he lied around and did not dare to come, then ran away

Some pictures as below:


Our actions:

We’re gathering his victims even the victim from longtime ago to be a group and will supply them the free legal support

We’ll look for him and ask him to be responsible for what he used to do, even take him to the Court 

And in same time, we’d like to public this information to everybody to avoid the such companies as Ozshred Australia pty ltd and Pit Stop Recycling pty ltd, the people as Percy Leon Rios Jorge, to avoid the defraud and to make the business environment better.

If you or your friend used to be his victim, it’s highly appreciated to contact us.

Up to now, there're some other people who took him to the Courts